Whale is the .....?

إجابة معتمدة
  • Whale - Wikipedia Whales are fully aquatic open-ocean creatures they can feed mate give birth suckle and raise their young at sea. Whales range in size from the 2.6 metres ( ...
  • whale | Definition Types & Facts - Encyclopedia Britannica whale any of the larger species of aquatic mammals belonging to the order Cetacea. The term whale can be used in reference to any cetacean ...
  • Whale facts and information - National Geographic Whales are the largest animals on Earth and they live in every ocean. The massive mammals range from the 600-pound dwarf sperm whale to the colossal blue ...
  • Whale | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund Some whales are known as baleen whales including blue right bowhead sei and gray whales. This refers to the fact that they have special bristle-like ...
  • Whale facts and information - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Whales are marine mammals together with dolphins and porpoises they are collectively known as cetaceans. Some whales have teeth while others have baleen.
  • Are whales mammals or fish? - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Whales are not fish. They are marine mammals as are dolphins and porpoises. They are warm-blooded and breathe air like humans.
  • What is a Whale?- EnchantedLearning.com Whales are large aquatic mammals that breathe air through blowhole(s) into lungs (unlike fish which breathe using gills). They live their entire lives in ...
  • Here are our top 10 facts about whales - WWF 1. Whales are divided into two main groups. There are two types of whales the baleen whales and the toothed whales. Baleen whales including humpbacks and ...
  • Why Whales Are Mammals and Not Fish - ThoughtCo Whales are a member of the cetacean family and as such despite being wholly water-resident whales are mammals not fish.
  • Whales | Smithsonian Ocean Whales are mammals which means that like humans and other land mammals they have three inner ear bones and hair they breathe air and the ...